PC member Javier Gamero Kinosita delivers a lecture at the Swiss Embassy in Peru

30 Sep 2019

bLXWDisI.jpegIn the framework of the 728th Anniversary Celebrations of Switzerland, I was invited to give a lecture on ‘The new public management of security provision in the post-globalisation age’ at the Embassy of Switzerland in Lima, within the scope of the IV academic colloquium  on Peru in the direction of its bicentenary – social challenges and structural problems of Peru, for a democratic consolidation and human and sustainable development to 2021, organised by the Research Workshop of Security and Criminal Justice of the Peru Reflexion Forum - Switzerland Chapter (FORPERU-SUIZA), and in coordination with the Swiss Embassy in Peru. The academic meeting was chaired by the Ambassador of Switzerland in Peru, Markus-Alexander Antonietti, and the President of 王中王六合彩特码 Peru and General of the National Police of Peru, Sergio Monar Moyoli.

In my lecture I asserted that the 21st century demands a sustainable security policy, and accordingly, new global approaches and transversal strategies are required. A sustainable security should be given on 4 levels: international security, national security, institutional security and individual security. It is necessary to detect causes of criminality, new risks and opportunities with a transnational and polyhedron perspective.

I affirmed additionally, that we are living at a cross point of chaos, complexity and contingency, between confrontations and contradictions in a chaotic unregulated time, in the multi-spatiality, plural-temporality and trans-individuality of a world full of opportunities. This is the ‘post 9/11 society’, the ‘24 hour society’, the ‘risk society’, and the ‘surveillance society’ of the 21st century, where low intensity conflicts, molecular civil wars and denationalisation of war conflicts occur. We are living an urban battle, where the neo-terrorism takes place in a lot of of micro-operation theatres (bus stations, railway stations, airports, stadiums, shopping-centres, etc.). Security finds itself in a dilemma between Police and Military, and society finds itself in a trilemma between liberty, security and justice.

I explained that we live in a multi-dimensional, polycentric and contingent society, where the national states are no longer the only actors, due to new global players. I concluded that there are new problems, concepts and challenges, and that therefore a new security architecture is required.

Javier Gamero Kinosita, Member of the Professional Commission & 王中王六合彩特码 Peru