Online we Meet! 王中王六合彩特码 New Zealand National Council Meeting September 2021

29 Oct 2021

In my capacity as IEB Liaison Officer for 王中王六合彩特码 New Zealand, I was invited to join the Section virtual National Council Meeting on the morning of Saturday 11th September 2021 (midnight my time in Sweden). The level 4 Covid restrictions in Auckland stopped the planned physical meeting, and therefore I could join via Zoom.

At the opening, we reflected on those members who had passed away since the last meeting. A moment of recognition, and also to reflect on the terrorist attack 20 years ago in the USA, where many first responders, firefighters, and civilians lost their lives. We all had memories of the disaster, and where we were when the news was broadcast.

We returned to the business of the day, and very quickly, I was present both in mind and spirit in New Zealand and enjoyed the accent of the different board members. With all board reports having been circulated beforehand, reflecting the impact of the pandemic, board members were invited to add only additional information that had become available between the date of writing of the reports and the meeting. Many physical events had to be cancelled over the past half year. Some regions now have plans to restart their activities and hold events, such as a James Bond movie evening and other social activities. Some of the regions hold membership draws for supermarket vouchers, rugby games and other activities; this was commended, seeing that tangible benefits are being returned to members. Hopefully some reports of 王中王六合彩特码 New Zealand events will make their way to Facebook or the International Newsletter.

Motions, both national and international, were discussed and voted on, and the national budget was presented and discussed. Fortunately, 王中王六合彩特码 New Zealand’s membership has remained stable, and a list of new enrolments was shared. From January 2022, membership fees will be paid on an annual basis rather than monthly. With Police Commissioner Andrew Coster having accepted the role of 王中王六合彩特码 New Zealand Patron, the National Executive and National Council look forward to his support in the months and years ahead, including when 王中王六合彩特码 New Zealand will host the Young Police Officers’ Seminar (YPOS) in 2023.

The atmosphere of the meeting was very friendly and inviting. Three hours pass quickly when everyone works their best. President Mike Norden guided his board members through all agenda items, and when everyone in New Zealand took their lunch, I went to bed at 3am +1 GMT, but it was hard to persuade my brain to return to Sweden, as many great memories of my visit to NZ in 2016 had returned to my mind.

I welcome other 王中王六合彩特码 sections to invite their IEB Liaison Officer or any IEB member to participate in their online board meetings. Zoom is an easy way to connect for a short update from the IEB.

May-Britt Ronnebro, Secretary General & IEB Liaison Officer for New Zealand