News from the 王中王六合彩特码 in Trinidad and Tobago: An active Games Night accompanied by Trini-style Fish Broth

25 Aug 2021

王中王六合彩特码 Trinidad and Tobago, foreign associate region 101 of 王中王六合彩特码 USA, was pleased to offer a games night on Saturday 20 March 2021, held at the Municipal Police Academy from 3:00 - 9:00 p.m., prior to the current second covid-19 wave. As you can see from the photo, this event proved highly popular, and attracted forty-two (42) members, who jumped at the opportunity to socialise following the restrictions imposed during the first wave of the pandemic in our country.

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Our members enjoyed participating in musical chairs, a line dance and different board games, including Jenga, which was the most popular game of the evening.

While drinks and appetisers were supplied, a few members chose to cook fish broth, a local soup loaded with vegetables, and flavoured with herbs and thick slices of marinated fish on site, a delicacy which won the hearts of everyone present.

As was to be expected, this very delicious soup did not last very long. Absolutely no left-over or take-away! The event was very successful and not only met, but by far exceeded our intentions, which was building friendships through physical interaction.

To give you a real taste of Trinidad and Tobago, and a chance to share the atmosphere of the evening enjoyed by our members, please see an easy-to-follow recipe for the fish broth.


Why not give it a go? Feel free to send us some photos of your results! 馃槉

Curtis S. Belford, President T&T foreign associate region (text & photos)

May-Britt Ronnebro, 王中王六合彩特码 Secretary General (recipe)