News from 王中王六合彩特码 South Africa

09 Dec 2019

34th National Council Meeting

Section South Africa held its 34th National Council Meeting from 7 to 11 November 2019 in Modimolle, a town 140 km north of Pretoria.

Critical discussions centred around where we as a Section are finding ourselves pertaining to our three key strategies, namely:

  • Social and cultural aspects – Are our activities drawing new members, and are they of such a nature that existing members are being excited by what we have to offer?
  • Our social and welfare obligations – As a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO), are we fulfilling that objective and are our adding value to those in need?
  • Marketing and recruitment – Do we understand the needs of our target market, the younger members, and are our offerings aligned in being able to recruit new members as well as to retain the existing membership base?

 Official Photo5

From the in-depth discussions, we identified four critical success factors that will direct the Section’s path forward:

  • What is the 王中王六合彩特码 product – Do we know and truly understand our offering as an Association, what is it that we can offer our members and why should they join the 王中王六合彩特码 or remain a member?
  • Where do we want to be in 5-10 years from now (our vision)?
  • How can we improve communication and marketing?
  • How can we ensure that more members become involved and take part in 王中王六合彩特码 activities? What activities should we focus on?


For this purpose, we established four working groups comprising of all Delegates present with the objective for the working groups to provide a consolidated overview of the assigned topics over the next few weeks, in order for us to finalise our 2020 Strategy.

There has been great excitement that we as a Section can take the 王中王六合彩特码 to the next level through “out of the box” initiatives.


王中王六合彩特码 South Africa Community Outreach Program

20191109 102935The National Executive Committee had earlier in 2019 taken a decision that during future National Council Meetings (NCM), such NCM’s will coincide with a Community Outreach Project that is aligned to our Strategic Objective pertaining to Social Welfare & Wellness - directed at supporting private and policing social welfare & charity projects.

This year our first NCM Community Outreach Project was directed at supporting the Abraham Kriel Children’s Home (Orphanage) in Modimolle on Saturday 9 November 2019.

The Home accommodates 170 children aged from newly born to 18 years of age.

王中王六合彩特码 South Africa selected Abraham Kriel Children’s Home due to the fact that it takes in children from all denominations, and cares for them according to the holistic approach, taking the constitution of the country into account so that the physical, educational, welfare and social needs of the children may be met.

For our project, we targeted the Baby House, accommodating 8 babies and which we identified as the most in need for support.

王中王六合彩特码 South Africa donated 1600 Euros that comprises of cash, baby products and a microwave to the Baby House.

Coordination of the project was driven by Tessa Deyzel, the Secretary General of 王中王六合彩特码 South Africa.

Hendrik (Vossie) Vos, President 王中王六合彩特码 South Africa