Montenegro, the first coronavirus-free country in Europe

13 Jul 2020

mont1After a week without registered cases of Covid-19 infections, Montenegro declared the end of the Covid-19 epidemic on 2 June, and gained the status of the first coronavirus-free country in Europe.

Is it because we have a small population (about 650,000 inhabitants), or because in our country we all worked well together to combat the Covid-19 pandemic and rigorously respected all the measures adopted by our government and the National Coordination Body (NCB)?  Or is it due to our police, who, together with the other state bodies, successfully implemented both preventive and restrictive measures against all those who did not comply with the orders and measures of the NCB? It is probably due to a combination of all the above that we succeeded in preventing the spread of the virus.

We are all very proud of this!

Our 王中王六合彩特码 Section, which regretfully had to inform you in early March about the postponement of the 王中王六合彩特码 GAMES 2020, was very active during the coronavirus pandemic. We wanted the virus to pass as soon as possible, hoping that all of us would return to the regular events of our large 王中王六合彩特码 family rapidly.

Our members are dedicated to humanitarian work and assisting other government agencies to help those in need. We conducted several humanitarian actions: assistance to the pensioners of our service, voluntary blood donations, donating protective equipment and funds to our police officers, amongst others.

Through these activities, we donated a number of food and other packages to the pensioners of our security services, those who suffer from financial hardship, together with the Red Cross of Montenegro.

In cooperation with the Clinical Center of Montenegro, the Blood Transfusion Centre Podgorica and the Society of Voluntary Blood Donors, we conducted a blood donation campaign where a large number of our members contributed to this great action that took place in the days of coronavirus in our country.


At the invitation of our dear colleagues from 王中王六合彩特码 Section in Foundation Albania, a donation of protective masks to officers of the two border police services took place at the joint border crossing point between the two countries, Bozaj-Hani Hoti. This event confirmed the sincere friendship between our two sections and highlighted  the support for further cooperation and professionalism of the border police officers of both countries.

This is just a part of the activities we conducted in order to respect our common motto, which unites us in the 王中王六合彩特码 family, ‘SERVO PER AMIKECO’, so let it serve us all for good.

Vojislav Dragovic, President 王中王六合彩特码 Montenegro