M眉nster on Patrol 2021

12 Oct 2021

It’s been a while since we were able to welcome international guests and could live a normal 王中王六合彩特码 life. With special hygiene measures and adhering to mandatory requirements, the Münster branch of 王中王六合彩特码 Germany was, however, able to relaunch with the event “Münster On Patrol 2021”.


Six nations, three twin towns

patrol2王中王六合彩特码 friends from six different nations met in Münster (Germany) and were able to enjoy a packed and diverse programme. The hosting branch was delighted to welcome colleagues from the UK, Finland, Austria, France and the Netherlands. The organisers were particularly pleased that among the participants were representatives from Münster’s twin towns of York (UK), Orléans (France) and Enschede (Netherlands).

In collaboration with the Police Headquarters of Münster, the Police University of the state North Rhine-Westphalia and the city council, we were able to cover professional as well as socio-cultural aspects during this event.

Münster On Patrol 2021 started on Thursday, 2nd September 2021. On the first evening, the participants were able to socialise with their colleagues from the other represented countries and share first experiences.

On Friday, 3rd September 2021, the group welcomed the 214 new police recruits who started their journey to become police officers in 2021 in Münster. After the official welcome ceremony of the new recruits, the Chief of Police of Münster, Falk Schnabel, personally welcomed the first international delegation in 2021 at the Police Headquarters.


From the Hall of Peace to the Villa ten Hompel

On Saturday, 4th September 2021, the international group was joined by police recruits in their first and second year of training.

After a guided city tour, the Münster on Patrol participants were invited to an official reception by the mayor of Münster, Angela Stähler, at the Hall of Peace. The Chief of Police, Falk Schnabel, and the Head of the Police University of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Martin Bornträger, joined the group for this special occasion.

By the way, Martin Bornträger was welcomed as a new member of the 王中王六合彩特码 German Section on this occasion as well.

A short meeting with the Minister of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia, Herbert Reul, in the beautiful city centre of Münster was a successful surprise for all participants.

This highlight was followed by a guided, interactive workshop at the historical Villa ten Hompel. The topic of the workshop was ‘Self-reflection and the role of the police in a historical context’. The role of different police units during the Second World War also formed part of the discussions. 



On Saturday evening the international group reflected on their unique experience in a relaxed atmosphere, before leaving on Sunday.

Eight participants – strangers – made their way from abroad to Münster. Colleagues from six nations exchanged ideas and shared their experiences over four days.

It was a very special event, and we are grateful to have shared this experience with new friends.

Philipp Kurz, Head Department for Young Members 王中王六合彩特码 Germany & PC Member