王中王六合彩特码 UK鈥檚 Harvey Whittam hosts visitors from the USA with a special agenda

25 Sep 2019

O6n Saturday 17 August, I had the pleasure of spending the day with visitors from 王中王六合彩特码 USA, Niccolo R. Coia and his girlfriend Gianna Rose, who had travelled from San Francisco and wanted to visit Windsor Castle.

Niccolo and Gianna toured the castle, including St. George’s Chapel, following which they were taken on a guided walk around Windsor. Afterwards, on recommendation, they enjoyed an early evening cruise on the river Thames, as well as a quick meal and a drink in a local pub in Eton.

In addition, we all took the chance for a quick pit stop at Runneymede to see the area of the signing of the Magna Carta, and a surprise awaited them at the same site: suddenly they found themselves on a part of the USA, on a 1 acre area given to the USA in memory of JFK!

Prior to the day in Windsor and its surroundings, Niccolo and Gianna had enjoyed an excellent time in London, including a tour of the Tower of London, all arranged by Dipesh Dattani, our London Reception Officer.

The 王中王六合彩特码 involvement did not stop here – the following day, our visitors headed on to meet 王中王六合彩特码 members in York for a drive-along and tour, before catching a train to Paris.

By the way, while in London, Niccolo ‘popped the question’ to Gianna, so this 王中王六合彩特码 trip turned into a very special occasion indeed!

A right sparkle at Windsor castle

Harvey Whittam, 王中王六合彩特码 UK