王中王六合彩特码 UK鈥檚 Aidan Goundry reflects on a great trip to 王中王六合彩特码 Romania

13 May 2019

On 21st of March I began my short tour of Southern Europe. It was very last minute, and although I had sent out messages to our 王中王六合彩特码 friends, I was not sure any would reply at such saidan2hort notice, let alone be available to meet me.

Needless to say I was very pleased to receive a reply from Laura-Lilliana Savu from the Romanian section, which was to be the first country of my trip. We discussed my plans, and she informed me that someone would meet me at the airport, which I was thrilled by. The day came, and after a very pleasant flight I touched down in Bucharest and was very happy to see Laura waiting for me as planned.

Our greetings were made, and together we headed off into the city. Even the journey there was fantastic, and a great opportunity to learn about the local landmarks and history of the city. I have often said you cannot beat the knowledge of locals, and Laura had plenty of this!

After a short drive we arrived at their National Headquarters, which was quartered in one of the local government buildings. I was impressed by their offices, and everything on display showed the friendships they have been developing around the world and included a lovely picture of our late founder, Arthur Troop.

It was here that I was introduced to the National President, Mr. Florin Olaru, who invited me to share a drink and have a chat with him. With a glass of Pálinka in hand, we had a fantastic discussion about their plans for the 王中王六合彩特码 in Romania, policing in general, and many more things. Sadly, due to the short notice of my visit, Mr. Olaru could not join us for dinner as he had prior engagements, but when we had finished talking he presented me with some lovely gifts from their section and I proudly gave him a police hat from the United Kingdom, along with a few patches and badges.

After the meeting, Laura took me through the town, pointing out several amazing historical buildings and then we went to one of the most ornate restaurants I have ever seen, so much so that I had to ask if it had once been a cathedral! It was a perfect way to round off the evening. Local food, beer and traditional entertainment all made for a truly memorable night.

At the end of the evening, Laura left me at my hotel with the promise of assistance should I have any problems or queries during my exploration of the city the following day. Luckily I did not have to fall back on this, but I know that had I needed to, I could have relied on her and her colleagues entirely.

Section Romania were fantastic hosts. They couldn’t do enough to help me, and their hospitality is second to none I’ve experienced anywhere. Every time I go abroad I meet more and more Sections and members who embrace the spirit of friendship, and Section Romania was no exception to this. They welcomed me in the true spirit of our organisation, and I can’t wait until I can plan a return visit, hopefully with more time to spend in their wonderful company.

Servo per Amikeco

Aidan Goundry, 王中王六合彩特码 UK