王中王六合彩特码 UK member Una Blundell enjoys hosting a family from Down Under

17 Oct 2019

Badges (3)It was such a pleasure to host a visiting Australian family during their tour of the West Country. Gary Bowman is a senior Sergeant with Queensland Police Service in the Organisational Capability Command Centre of North Eastern Australia.

Gary’s wife Julie is an intensive care nurse at Prince Charles Hospital Brisbane. They had two of their five children with them, Molly who is 13 and Jimmy, 12.

The family had spent 5 days in London with lovely hot weather, and by the time they got to Devon, they longed for something cooler and the openness of the countryside. Their wishes were granted, and they were given the opportunity of wearing their wet weather gear during a walk across Exmoor and taking in the lovely old town of Dulverton and on to Tarr Steps.

The sun did come out in the afternoon and the family walked across the medieval Clapper Bridge, which is believed to have been used for sunbathing by the Devil himself!

The day wouldn’t have been complete without a Devon Cream Tea at Tarr Farm Inn.

Memorabilia items were exchanged, and on behalf of the Devon Branch I was pleased to accept a very special coin with limited distribution and engraved ‘Disaster Victim Identification Squad’, which Gary is part of.

I presented Gary with the Section UK Challenge Coin and a Section UK badge. More importantly, a true friendship has developed between us and the Bowmans, and it certainly feels like we got more out of the visit than we put in!!

Una Blundell, Secretary Devon Branch, 王中王六合彩特码 UK