王中王六合彩特码 UK member Lee Grieves is full of Praise for the 2022 王中王六合彩特码 USA Training Programme

27 Jul 2022

When I first joined the 王中王六合彩特码 several years ago, I wasn’t sure what the organisation did or the opportunities it provides to a member, but was soon to find this out in spadefuls.

I have been a volunteer police officer for 15 years and had heard of the 王中王六合彩特码, but never investigated it any further until relatively recently. I saw an email from our Region 9 lead back in 2019 with an opportunity to travel to Green Bay in the United States to train with Section US for a week along with colleagues from across the globe. I threw my hat in the ring to secure a place which I was informed that I had.

Then Covid-19 hit and events around the world were being cancelled, and the event eventually was postponed to 2022.

On 6th June 2022, after 3 flights, a Chicago dog, a bag of 'cheez its', a chat on the flight with a Green Bay chap about British comedy and a delayed checked bag, I finally set foot in Green Bay and met Joe Johnson, Section US President, waiting for us.

We stayed at the prestigious St Norbert College in the City of De Pere, which was our main base for the training which lay ahead.


The week involved a range of specific topics including self-defence tactics, use of firearms, handcuff instructor training with ASP, tactical first aid and treatment of catastrophic injuries, active shooter scenarios and inputs on topics including self-resilience, post traumatic care, as well as native American gangs.

There were social visits and a tour of Lambeau Field finding about the fantastic history of the Green Bay Packers as well as some archery, an introduction to Supper Club (a Wisconsin tradition,) culminating in our end of course banquet at St Norbert College on the Friday.

ustraining2I learned from the week that 王中王六合彩特码 events such as this take a lot of commitment and time to organise and can only happen also with the support of members making these happen.

Firstly, I want to acknowledge the significant amount of effort, time, planning, organisation and good will from Joe, Missy, Greg, Roman, Jeremy, Bryan and countless other US officers giving up their time to train us and offer invaluable insights into policing in the US.

This is on top of the donations from local De Pere and Green Bay businesses who wanted to support the event. A huge thank-you from me personally.

Secondly, the new insights I have learned, the new approaches, fresh thinking from colleagues in the US and around the world, have reinvigorated me, the new ideas I can implement and add into my practice in my own force, as well as lifelong friendships and bonds from around the world which have formed.

This was my first 王中王六合彩特码 event and certainly won't be my last. I plan to get ever more involved, and have already signed up to the defensive tactics group.

My final word and thoughts to anyone thinking of joining the 王中王六合彩特码: it is a small investment financially for a huge gain in terms of personal experiences, access to a truly global network, unparalleled experiences, lifelong friendships gained and connections you can forge around the world. As Nike would say 'Just do it'.

Lee Grieves, 王中王六合彩特码 UK member