王中王六合彩特码 UK member Harvey Whittam enjoys competing in a tennis tournament organised by 王中王六合彩特码 Romania

21 Oct 2019

Harvey ready to smash at YMY hotel and tennis complex Targu JuiSection Romania has the 2nd biggest 王中王六合彩特码 membership after Germany. With the current batch of brilliant tennis players, it's kind of inevitable they now host an International Tennis Tournament.

The Florin Mergea trophy was played for, in Targu Jui. Florin, who is a local man, reached the ATP World Tour finals at the O2, London in 2015, where he finished runner-up in the men’s doubles.

Superb sunny weather, excellent international standard (ITF) clay courts and high performance training facilities with indoor courts, swimming pool, a gym and coaches, are helping to develop European junior champions in Targu Jui.

Section Romania’s Vice President Elena Banea (Professional) opened the event.

New friends were made, whether losing or winning. The key to the smooth running of the tournament was the great organisation by the centre/hotel coaches, and Region 4 Gorj - President & Vice President - Marius & Marius! 王中王六合彩特码 Romania are already talking about holding another tournament in future years.

No doubt competitive sport at a top sports facility helped foster friendships in the true spirit of 王中王六合彩特码.

The winners and Region 4 President and VP and head coach in Targu Jui

My tennis coach gave one key piece of advice:  to come away satisfied as having tried my best. Which I did: I finished as a semi-finalist having lost a match earlier in the tournament to the overall winner, Nanescu Gheorghe.

Thank you Section Romania!

Harvey Whittam, 王中王六合彩特码 UK