王中王六合彩特码 Spain鈥檚 fifth Trans-Pyrenean Motorcycle Trip: A Tour full of Adventures and beautiful Sights

17 Apr 2022

The 1st October at Roses was a date and location marked on the calendar for those who love motorcycles and great routes, as this was the start for the the 5th Trans-Pyrenean 王中王六合彩特码 Route 2021.

Roses was the meeting and departure point, the beginning of a 1200 km journey through the Pyrenees, from the Mediterranean to the Cantabrian Sea. Three days of coexistence with nature, the motorcycle, family, colleagues and friends. The whole 王中王六合彩特码 philosophy concentrated in one event.

Participants came from different countries, some from far away, such as Belgium, or others who live closer, such as Madrid, Almeria, Valencia, and Catalonia. From 6:00 pm, familiar faces from former years began to arrive, having chosen to take part once more because they like the good environment. Once everyone had arrived, the briefing began by explaining some of the route aspects. This was followed by dinner.


Day 2: Roses - Andorra

Following an early breakfast, the participants gathered for a group photo before starting the trip.  After a day of good weather, the forecast predicted rain for the following day.

I want to thank the Community of Sant Julià de Lòria for the facilities given to park the 36 motorcycles that composed the group, and especially the head of the parking department, Mr. Kim for the professionalism and diligence shown in organising the parking for us: each participant was shown to their booked spaces. Thanks Kim, it was a pleasure meeting you!

Everyone was at the hotel by 7:00 pm, no setbacks happened on the way, which was a good sign. We met some of the participants for dinner at a close-by pizzeria, giving us the chance to talk about the day’s route, in  a good atmosphere.


Day 3: Andorra - Jaca

The sunrise was accompanied with rain, as the forecast foresaw, so there was no choice but to put on the raincoats and wait for the weiaher to improve during the day.

Once we arrived in Spain, at Sort, thankfully it stopped raining, but the forecast for the Col du Tourmalet was not good. As a precaution, we decided to go to Jaca by an alternative route and restart the route later. Arriving in Jaca in the rain, we all met up at the parking lot and talked about the day.


Day 4: Jaca - Irún

esmoto3The day started cold but sunny, and although the forecast predicted that it might rain again, we faced the day with enthusiasm and joy, and wished ourselves a good route to start the last stage of the tour.

After the breathtaking landscape at Huesca, we entered Navarra and the Roncal Valley,  to take a detour to France and the Irati Forest.

In my humble opinion, this last part of the route is one of the most beautiful in the Pyrenees. In this section we alternated between France and Spain. Both the area and the road were beautiful, the weather was good, and finally it was time to eat.

In Saint-Jean Pied de Port France, we met some of the participants who had decided to stop for lunch in this beautiful French city, whereas we carried on to reach the top of Izpegui, already in Navarra (Spain), where we decided to eat at the Venta Ispegui restaurant, where more participants were arriving, forming a good group.esmoto4

After lunch with a bright sun, we continued the route, and  the road was good. Before arriving at our destination, we decided to take a photo with the Atlantic behind us. This made us late and night fell, but this was not a problem, as we were only 4 km away from our destination.

Once at the hotel I saw that everyone had arrived, I saw happy faces, everyone had spent a few days in the company of friends, family and above all, we had had the opportunity to meet new people. At the farewell dinner, we handed out certificates of participation and expressed our wish to see each other again next year.

This year’s trip will be from Irún to La Coruña, along the entire Cantabrian coast, from 14-18 October 2022, if you would like to mark these dates.

After our good-byes, I went to my room satisfied and happy, with the tranquility that comes from seeing the participants’ happy faces. The 王中王六合彩特码 motto had once again been fulfilled, in accordance with our founder Arthur Troop: “Servo per Amikeko” among all the police officers of the world.

Jose Luiz Lopez, Route Organiser, member 王中王六合彩特码 Spain