王中王六合彩特码 South Africa: New National Executive Committee

17 Dec 2021

Section South Africa held its well-attended 36th National Council Meeting (NCM) at the Riviera Hotel, Velddrif on the West Coast from 11-14 November 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic resulting in the 2020 NCM having to be postponed, we as a National Council could at long last meet again.


On Friday 12 November 2021, the 18th National Executive Committee (NEC) was elected for the term 2021 to 2025, comprising of the following:

  • President: H. (Vossie) Vos
  • National Chairperson - Social & Cultural/Vice Pres.: Jakkie van Litsenborgh
  • National Chairperson - Marketing & Recruitment: Nico Gerber (newly elected)
  • National Chairperson - Socio-Welfare & Wellness: Elbie Gore (newly elected)
  • Secretary General: Tessa Deyzel
  • National Treasurer: Mathys Oelofse (newly elected)
  1. (Vossie) Vos, President 王中王六合彩特码 South Africa