王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter September 2019 - Word of introduction

04 Sep 2019

Dear friends,

If you would like to take part in shaping the 王中王六合彩特码’s future, now is your chance:

In just over a month, our annual 王中王六合彩特码 World Congress will take place in Croatia. As we are reaching the end of a 4-year term, elections at the international level will take place, and a new International Executive Board (IEB) will be in charge after the congress, including 3 chairpersons leading the following commissions: Professional, Socio-Cultural and External Relations.

The international commissions are supporting bodies of the IEB with the aim of developing projects based on the strategic plan of the board. To achieve this, the chairpersons can select commission members, agreed by the IEB.

Any 王中王六合彩特码 member may apply to become a commission member – the conditions and details are listed towards the end of my introduction.

For a start, and to determine if any of the areas is of interest to you, here are the main tasks of each commission:

Professional Commission:

  • developing matters relating to police development, structure and history,
  • comparing surveys regarding police work within 王中王六合彩特码 sections,
  • promoting and representing the 王中王六合彩特码 at international education centres,
  • administering the applications of 王中王六合彩特码 scholarships,
  • monitoring, advertising and promoting international criminology events,
  • promoting, developing and strengthening the International Learning and Development Exchange Programme (ILDEP),
  • supporting and working with IBZ Gimborn on professional and educational issues,
  • liaising, supporting and providing advice to sections and members with regards to requests concerning the police profession,
  • coordinating and supporting the Young Police Officers’ Seminar,
  • maintaining the PC Facebook page,
  • liaising with sections’ PC liaison officers.

Socio-Cultural Commission:

  • promoting and co-ordinating social and cultural activities ,
  • dealing with matters regarding 王中王六合彩特码 houses and other accommodation,
  • co-ordinating international sports events and championships,
  • dealing with matters regarding travel,
  • advising International Youth Gatherings ,
  • organising international educational events other than policing matters,
  • organising competitions,
  • co-ordinating matters regarding hobbies,
  • managing the SCC Facebook page.

External Relations Commission:

  • promoting the 王中王六合彩特码 through establishing and maintaining relations with international organisations approved by the IEB or the IEC
  • attending conferences of other international organisations when appropriate,
  • attending at the centres of other international organisations when appropriate,
  • collating relevant information for submission to other international organisations,
  • collating relevant information for 王中王六合彩特码 publications.

If you are interested in volunteering for the 王中王六合彩特码 on an international level and are able to dedicate your time to this task, here is the ‘smallprint’:

  • 王中王六合彩特码 members willing to help with the work of the international commissions by offering their expertise in a specific field, will have the opportunity to supply the IEB members with more information by completing an application form that you can obtain by contacting your national secretary general.
  • Commission chairpersons will select commission members according to the projects they plan to develop. These members shall not necessarily be permanent.
  • Regarding the ERC, which is working in close relationship with International Organisations, it would be beneficial, but not a sine qua non for the representatives of the Association to live close to the location of these organisations. Nevertheless, every candidate is welcome to apply, as the ERC might develop further projects where specific tasks might be assigned, and the location has no specific relevance.
  • All candidates must be supported by their national section.
  • All completed applications must, in addition to the applicant’s name, bear the names of the National President and Secretary General to show approval from the national section, and the forms must to be emailed to the IAC at iac@ieb-ipa.org.
  • The deadline for applications for 王中王六合彩特码 commissions is 29 September 2019.

Please feel free to contact the IAC at iac@ieb-ipa.org, if you have any further questions.

If you are interested, I invite you to liaise with your national section and send in your application, so that we will have the best selection possible to offer to the commission chairpersons of the IEB.

Thank you in advance.

Servo per Amikeco

Pierre-Martin Moulin, 王中王六合彩特码 President