王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter October 2021 - Last word

30 Oct 2021

We have recently been informed by our landlords, Section UK, that the current renovations have finished, and that our physical return to the office is therefore coming closer. Fantastic news, as it has been quite a while: both Section UK staff and Daniel and I from the IAC have been working from home since the start of the fist UK lockdown towards the middle of March 2020, when the covid pandemic grounded public life to a complete halt.

Last week, when cycling to the office to check on mail, I met one of Section UK’s staff members by chance. Somehow, 18 months of not having seen each other in person proved no problem, and it felt a real treat to have a chat in the same room rather than by mobile phone.

In agreement with the Head of Administration, Stephen Crockard, Daniel and I aim to work with a hybrid approach, alternating days at the office with working from home. I am convinced that this new pattern will not only allow us more flexibility, but also improve efficiency.

Cutting out the commute during part of the working week will reduce stress, as well as enable quiet working time on projects in our home office. Meeting up for planned working sessions together in the office will provide us with quality working time together. Well, that is the theory in any case! 馃槉

When we have settled back in, we will also once more be very happy to welcome visitors to the IAC. To be honest, I have missed this aspect of our work; it is always lovely to meet 王中王六合彩特码 members both from far away or close by, who pop into our office for a cup of coffee, a chat, or to simply have a look around.

Here’s to a happy return to the Arthur Troop House!
