王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter June 2021 - Word of introduction

04 Jun 2021

Dear 王中王六合彩特码 Friends,


Since I retired from the police, one thing I have appreciated, is not needing to dress formally in a suit and tie, except for special occasions, including 王中王六合彩特码 dinners and dances. Since the 2019 World Congress in Croatia, I have worn my suit only once, namely in March 2020 in Gimborn, to have my photo taken.

How easily I have become accustomed to this new reality, in the same way that I have had to adapt to not being able to visit the IAC office since January 2020. Admittedly the majority of my interactions with the IAC staff members has always been by email or telephone from my home office. The difference now is that they are also working from their homes, except when circumstances dictate a quick visit to Fox Road to collect post, or to print off documents.

This is the new reality for so many people across the world, and when the UK government gives the all-clear for people to return to their offices, the very strong likelihood is that we are looking at a hybrid form of work for the IAC. Personal interaction is important for many tasks and for clarifying uncertainties, so I foresee a part- time return to the physical office for Elke and Daniel, but in a gradual and flexible manner.

Perspex screens for the desks have been purchased to maintain appropriate safeguards for our staff, along with hand sanitisers and signage. Sensible rules for moving around the house and its facilities have been agreed with the Section UK executive and staff members. The IAC office is currently undergoing repairs to the outer wall and ceiling. If this work should still be ongoing when the staff are permitted to return, then it may be that our hosts will be able to give us the use of an alternative office in the short term.

I look forward to paying a visit to the office, to see the results of all this hard work and innovations and who knows? Perhaps, if there is an important visitor to greet, I may even be persuaded to wear my suit and tie. If they still fit, that is!


Kind regards,


Stephen Crockard, Head of Administration