王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter July-August 2021 - Last Word

30 Sep 2021

At the beginning of June, I received an invitation to a garden party. Lovely in any case, given that get-togethers have only recently been allowed once more here in England, but all the more special as it formed part of the UK’s Volunteers’ Week.

To be honest, I had never heard of such a week before, so I had a look to find out that ‘Volunteers’ Week is a time to say thanks for the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering’, according to the website of Volunteers’ Week.

I had been volunteering for one of my kids’ sports clubs for a long time, but this year have become more closely involved in two further causes: I have trained to become a vaccinator with St John Ambulance to assist with the covid vaccinations, and have become a coach for Read Easy, a charity that helps adults learn to read.

I am a strong believer in looking at the glass being half full rather than half empty, and making the best out of any situation, so after ¾ of last year working from my kitchen table at home and starting to feel a bit down with one lockdown quickly following another, I decided it was time to learn something new and meet new people. Both the vaccinating and the reading coaching for sure have done the job, so to speak, and both organisations have given me back so much more than I think I have put in!

The garden party, by the way, was lovely – very English – in a cottage garden, with comfy chairs and tea & cakes. The best part was meeting people in person and seeing so many happy faces. During the event, I was given a small envelope with a card simply saying ‘Thank You’.

So, I would like to take this opportunity to pass my lovely thank-you card virtually on to you! Everyone who writes articles for our international newsletter is a volunteer for the 王中王六合彩特码. You will have joined the association for all sorts of reasons, and some of you will be able to devote more time to the 王中王六合彩特码 than others, but it is still a great joy to me every month to see how many sections take the time to send their articles to be published. This month, 11 sections came forward, and overall, from January, volunteers from 31 sections have contributed.

Thank you!
