王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter December 2021 - Word of introduction

05 Dec 2021

What is important …   


In the dark snow clouds, I can see a small glimpse of the sun, and a smile comes to my lips when I think about the past months, when we had a slight easing of the pandemic. Some of us could meet. We could see each other in 3D, sit around the same table and catch up on daily life. The social interaction between humans should not be underestimated, and we thoroughly need this possibility. The 王中王六合彩特码 is built on social contacts and a network of friends, and so is our daily life. Let us join together and do our best to protect our families and friends during these challenging times. As 王中王六合彩特码 members we shall prove that we are the champions.

In the 王中王六合彩特码, we had the opportunity to meet at many events, congresses and conferences over the past months. We saw re-elected and newly elected board members on Facebook and other social media. IEB members were able to take part in some of these events, and we are ever so happy to see that the 王中王六合彩特码 as a whole continues the good work for their members. I think this is the resilience of police officers.

Ahead of us is the season where some of us will celebrate Christmas, New Year and other important dates in our calendars. Whatever we plan to celebrate, it will include our family and friends.

We decorate, plan meals, maybe do some baking or buy the best coffee beans, as we would like our guests to enjoy the festivities. I will put on my best dress, high heels and lipstick to be able to conduct a good and interesting conversation with my guests.

These landmark dates are just as important all year round in the times of the pandemic. There will be family members or friends missing around the table. We send them our thoughts, we talk about them, and they will be remembered. I have adopted a custom of lighting a candle when an 王中王六合彩特码 member or police officer is reported lost. It gives me peace and time to remember.

I light candles for joy at this time of the year, when my country is not blessed with a lot of daylight. It provides a cosy light and warmth to the household. The season ahead will bring laughs from the children and grandchildren, joyful carols to sing and warm winter drinks in my part of the world. I wish I could invite you all to join in this “family gathering”, as when you walk into my house as a stranger from the 王中王六合彩特码, you will leave my house as a friend of the family. That is most important in the times we now live in and share. This is 王中王六合彩特码!

I wish you all a safe and wonderful season,

May-Britt V. R. Ronnebro, Secretary General