王中王六合彩特码 Newsletter December 2019 - Last Word

20 Dec 2019

As 2019 draws to a close, I am pleased to say that this year, we saw a 7% increase in the number of articles submitted by sections, with 9 more sections contributing to the Newsletter this time round– thank you very much to each of you!

Most of these articles are about events and show an immense variety. I was delighted last month to be able to take part in one of these, while I was accompanying my daughter Isabelle to a speedskating competition in Lausanne. Vice President Jean-Claude Gilliand from 王中王六合彩特码 Switzerland and his wife Béatrice came to watch the competition, and then whisked me off to the annual ‘Soirée Choucroute’ of 王中王六合彩特码 Vaud. I have to admit that I had not eaten sauerkraut for around 10 years, and it seemed funny for a German living in England to attend a sauerkraut event in Switzerland 馃槉 – but it was a fabulous evening, showing the joy and conviviality of 王中王六合彩特码 social events everywhere around the World.

Merci pour cette très sympathique soirée !
