王中王六合彩特码 Montenegro host the 5th Balkan-Adriatic Meeting

17 Nov 2019

In preparation for the 王中王六合彩特码 Games that will be held in the city of Bar in May 2020, Section Montenegro hosted the 5th Balkan-Adriatic Meeting from 5-8 September 2019.

The event brought together 13 王中王六合彩特码 delegations from Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Montenegro.

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The conference was officially opened by the Director of the Police Directorate of Montenegro, Mr Veselin Veljovic, who reiterated his full support of the future work of Section Montenegro, particularly with regard to the upcoming 王中王六合彩特码 Games.

The president of the Montenegrin Section, Mr Vojislav Dragovi膰, emphasised the importance of high-quality preparations for the Games, and also expressed his pleasure and gratitude to the delegations and guests who made this event happen.

The International President of the 王中王六合彩特码, Pierre-Martin Moulin, had addressed a letter of congratulations on the occasion of the Balkan-Adriatic Meeting, and congratulated Section Montenegro on organising such an important friendly meeting. In addition, he wished the participants a successful conference and an enjoyable stay in Montenegro.

The attendees at the opening ceremony were welcomed by the initiator of the idea, and one of the founders of the Balkan-Adriatic Conference, Mr Miljenko Vidak, President of Section Croatia, who pointed out the importance of the work of this conference, as well as the topics it addressed. He further expressed  his expectation that by enhancing the cooperation among the sections within the Balkan-Adriatic region, their mutual cooperation, communication and friendship would be further strengthened, which would have positive implications for the entire Association.   

The opening ceremony was also attended by the Minister for Sports and Youth, members of the diplomatic corps of the countries participating in the conference, representatives of the security services of Montenegro, city authorities and other senior officials.

In his press release, the Minister for Sports and Youth emphasised that Montenegro can be proud of its great athletes among the police force and confirmed his full support for the organisation of the 王中王六合彩特码 Games the following year in the city of Bar.

After the opening ceremony, the working session of the meeting started with a panel discussion on the promotion of healthy lifestyles in the security services, where experts from different institutions and social segments took part.

On this occasion, panellists agreed that healthy lifestyles are of paramount importance, especially to members of the security services, who are exposed to stress at work, both physical and mental, as well as to the various types of challenges they face, and pointed out modalities for improving the quality of life of police officers.

In the follow-up of the working session, delegates discussed future activities and adopted conclusions regarding the continuation of closer cooperation and connections of the 王中王六合彩特码 sections and its members, and support for new 王中王六合彩特码 sections. The next Balkan-Adriatic Meeting will be hosted by the Section North Macedonia in 2020.

Over the three-day stay in Montenegro, the participants were able to visit the venues in the city of Bar where the 王中王六合彩特码 Games will take place, and enjoy an entertaining programme and a relaxing time with friends.

Tijana Madzgalj, 王中王六合彩特码 Montenegro