王中王六合彩特码 Ireland enjoy Polish hospitality during their national ski trip to Nowy Targ

07 May 2019

IIMG 0103t was with great pleasure, that I led a group of 16 people to the beautiful country of Poland from 4th to 10th March 2019. We were based in Bia艂ka Tatrza艅ska, in the Nowy Targ Region. In that regard, I wish to thank the local president of that Region, Mateusz Kapolka, for all his help in organising the trip, sorting out accommodation in the excellent Villa Joanna, arranging events, buses, tours and guides, and Pawel for meeting us at Balice-Krakow Airport to escort us through.

Mateusz and Piotr Filar welcomed us that first night and took us on a tour of the ski resort, which was within walking distance of Villa Joanna. For the duration of our stay, Piotr looked after us on the ski slopes – he had such patience with everyone, however, I don't think we will have any contenders for the Winter Olympics!!!

Our thanks also go to Robert, who escorted us to the Police Headquarters, where we were welcomed by First Deputy Commander-in-Chief in Nowy Targ, Commissioner Zbigniew Zacher, and Inspector Grzegorz Wyskiel, and given a tour of the Police Station. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit. Again on Saturday, Robert collected us, and we attended a charity ice hockey match.IMG 0069

During our stay, we visited the Salt Mines, Wawel Cathedral, and went on a walking tour of Krakow. We visited the town of Wadowice, birthplace of Pope John Paul II and saw the church where he was baptised and later served as an altar boy.  We also passed by the school he attended and ate some of the famous papal cake. Pope John Paul II holds a very special place in Irish hearts and a number of us in the group had worked as young Gardaí (Police) on the occasion of his visit to Ireland in 1979. Of course no trip to Poland is complete without a visit to Auschwitz/Brzezinka.

Mateusz and Piotr were available at all times to assist us. I would also like to thank Arek Skrzypczak and Section Ireland President, Conor O'Higgins, who were instrumental in the idea of this trip. On behalf of the group, I thank everybody who made this trip possible and to you, our Polish friends, who organised so much for us.   We look forward to returning the favour and one day hosting you here in Ireland.   Maybe, instead of Vodka, we’ll give you a little Irish Whisky!!!

Servo per Amikeco,

Ann Liston, National Travel Officer 王中王六合彩特码 Ireland