王中王六合彩特码 Greece facilitates free Mammograms

21 Jan 2022

An initiative for free mammograms organised by the Athens-Attica Region was successfully completed.

The Athens-Attica Region, in collaboration with the Hellenic Cancer Society and with the sponsorship of the cosmetics company Estée Lauder Hellas, carried out a three-day initiative, consisting of preventive mammograms for women police officers and police officers’ wives, aged between 40-70 years, from 15-17 December 2021.

Following our invitation, the mobile mammography unit of the Hellenic Cancer Society, which was continuing the "Breast Cancer Awareness and Early Diagnosis Programme", was placed in the courtyard of the Hellenic Police Academy located in the centre of Athens.

Participation exceeded all expectations: More than 150 women underwent screening.

We will continue to support our members, because their contribution to our society is invaluable.

Vlasios Valatsos, President 王中王六合彩特码 Greece