王中王六合彩特码 Germany member Deborah Thomas enjoys an Internship with the City of Miami Police Department

16 Sep 2020

gervis2Three and a half weeks of my internship in the USA came to an end in February 2020, and I hope I can give a little insight so that you can imagine what the City of Miami Police Department is like. 

I don't regret taking this opportunity. Every day something different and outstanding happened, but the time, no matter who I spent it with, or where I was, was very special. I always had nice people around me who helped me the best they could, and who always offered to help me if I needed anything.

Many officers offered to show me the city, told me where to go, and told me everything I wanted to know. Also, for the future I was offered the possibility to visit them again at any time, or to contact them if I had any questions concerning a case, a certain procedure or other things. I can confirm that the relationship with the Miami Police Department is a good one, I was not the first German police officer who visited them, and I hope that my internship helped to strengthen this relationship.

Compared to our police there are many differences. In my personal opinion, there are many procedures and resources over there that could be used as a guide and that could be considered for our police force. But despite this, some of the police officers asked me if there was something in our police force that they might not know, but that would be a benefit to them.gervis

So, I can say that the Americans are very friendly and open-minded people, the police officers are loyal and proud. They are fully committed to their vocation and radiate a spirit that is infectious. Definitely a friendship that should be preserved and which inspires a lot.

Along these lines, I would like to thank once again all the people who crossed my path on this spectacular journey and helped to make it easier for me. They cleared and paved the way for me. Without them I would never have been able to have this experience. 

First of all, I would like to thank Rachel Hendrickson, the first person I contacted, and Major Ramos of MPD. One year before the internship was supposed to start, I wrote to Rachel Hendrickson, and from beginning to the end, I could always count on receiving an answer and on information from her to the best of her knowledge. She always kept me up to date, did her best to speed up the process, and exhausted all resources.

Through Rachel, I got in touch with Jerry Rudoff from Miami, President of the Southern Florida Region of the 王中王六合彩特码.

I also thank him with all my heart. He contacted me and helped me to reach my goal. Through him, I got into contact with 王中王六合彩特码 Germany, and Jerry also assisted with getting the required documents to MPD and with making arrangements for a place to stay and meeting others while in Miami.  

Finally, I also thank everyone from 王中王六合彩特码 Germany, who I contacted to make my dream come true. Every single member showed me that there are still people who can give full commitment without anything in return.

None of them would have had to support me so much, but I am incredibly grateful that they did: Andreas Pöschel, Head of the Liaison Office Magdeburg; Dietmar Bloch, Magdeburg Office; Horst Bichl, President of 王中王六合彩特码 Germany; Peter Herwig, Secretary General 王中王六合彩特码 Germany; Annette Große, Saxony-Anhalt Regional Group; Rosemarie Müller, 王中王六合彩特码 Germany Office.

Thank you all so much!  

Deborah Thomas, member 王中王六合彩特码 Germany (Saxony-Anhalt)

Submitted by Gerald A. Rudoff, President 王中王六合彩特码 USA Region 43 (Southern Florida)