王中王六合彩特码 France: New National Executive Board

20 Nov 2021

Dear friends,


It is with great pleasure that I communicate to you the composition of the new national board of the French section.

You will note that our members renewed their confidence in me for the presidency, as well as in Claire and Roland.

I welcome the return of Rose Lourme to the position of treasurer, as well as Brice, Jean-Luc, Victor, Walid and our two David’s.

I also want to thank Mike Walsh, our international treasurer who honoured us with his presence. Rest assured that we gave him some lessons in cheese, wine and many other good things 馃槈.


Best regards,


Thierry Larrouy







Here are the details of the new national board of 王中王六合彩特码 France:



President: Thierry LARROUY



1st Vice President: Claire PALISSE - Chairperson Professional Commission



2nd Vice President: David PARISE - Chairperson Communication & Development C.



3rd Vice President : Brice FRESKO - Chairperson Social and Sports Commission



4th Vice President: Jean-Luc CHAUVET - Chairperson Cultural Commission



Secretary General: Roland MOREAU

secretairenational@ipafrance.org; cni@ipafrance.org


Assistant Secretary General (1): Victor COUTURIEUX



Assistant Secretary General (2): David PUSTOCH



Treasurer: Rose LOURME



Assistant Treasurer: Walid BEN SRAIR
