王中王六合彩特码 France celebrate 3rd International Friendship Meeting

14 Oct 2021

The Gard region of 王中王六合彩特码 France had the great pleasure to organise their 3rd international friendship reunion. After months of uncertainty, first of all, we would like to thank all those who believed in this event and registered. Right up to the end, we kept our hopes up, and we were right, because this international meeting will remain forever engraved in our hearts.

48 visitors from the USA, Denmark, Kuwait, Ukraine, Ireland, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany and the four corners of France made the trip, not to mention the Gard members who joined us on the Saturday of the week.

A very varied programme allowed us to participate in activities such as e-mountain biking, horse riding, hiking, abseiling in a cave, electric all-terrain scootering, pétanque, golf, yoga, karaoke, to name but a few.  In addition to this, visits and hikes took us to the Salamander cave, the Ardèche gorges, Grau du Roi, Aigues Mortes, and other beautiful locations.

The friendships and encounters that were created during the week were a real highlight of our reunion. We were in our own bubble, far away from the worries of everyday life and the atmosphere was excellent: a real osmosis.

On the last evening tribute was paid to the victims of the September 11 attacks. Three American police officers were present, making the moment all the more powerful. John from New York said that he had participated not only in a friendship meeting, but in a fraternal meeting.

A thank-you to all our partners for their help: Société Générale BFM, the departmental council, the city of Nîmes, TEGO, Haribo, GMF, as well as MGP who participated on Saturday. A special mention to M Bassier, mayor of Méjannes, and the municipality who supported our project from the first day.

We would also like to warmly thank Thierry Larrouy, our national president, the members of the National Board, Roland, Yves and Jean Luc, who came and supported us throughout our preparations, plus all the volunteers who made this meeting a real success: Betty, Anne Marie, Christophe, Philippe, Isa, Cyril. Finally, a big thank-you to Corinne and all her team at the holiday provider VVF, without whom this week would not have been the same.

See you next year for the 4th Friendship Meeting!

Servo per Amikeco,

Claire Palisse, 王中王六合彩特码 France Gard Regional Office
