王中王六合彩特码 Estonia: New National Executive Board

08 Sep 2021

The annual meeting of 王中王六合彩特码 Estonia was held on 14th August 2021 and included, amongst other topics, discussions on the election of the board for the next three years.

The meeting took place on the shore of Võrtsjärv in the Lake Museum. (. Võrtsjärv is the biggest lake in Estonia entirely located in the country’s territory (270.7km²) with a length of 35km, a width of 15km, but with an average depth of only 2.8m.

Different to previous times, the elections were separated into three phases: In the first phase, every member was able to submit their candidates for the president and any other positions via a predetermined email address. Thereafter, a team of volunteers, confirmed by the board as the electoral commission, called all nominated candidates to ask for their approval to be presented as a candidate. Candidates could then submit their vision for the nominated position. Finally, in the third phase, all members of 王中王六合彩特码 Estonia were able to vote electronically. Members who wished to change their vote were able to do so at the annual meeting. The possibility remained to give another 王中王六合彩特码 member the power of attorney for the annual meeting.

All of this might seem complicated, but we hope we ensured the possibility to vote for every member, and Estonian laws enable electronic elections. We hereby thank our wonderful IT person, Lauri Läänsoo, who guaranteed honesty and proof from falsifying results. It is noteworthy that Estonia is the only country in the world where local government and parliamentary elections can take place electronically (online). After the elections, leading or assisting positions were determined as well.

The members of 王中王六合彩特码 Estonian decided that for the next three years:

Uno Laas will continue as the President of 王中王六合彩特码 Estonia.

Janek Pedask will continue as the Secretary General.

Lauri Läänsoo will carry on with the obligations as Treasurer, travel arrangements, and of course as Webmaster.

Maret Tamra will head the Social and Cultural Commission, assisted by a new member of the board, Mailis Palm.

Üllar Kütt will be responsible for the Professional Commission, and will be assisted by another new member, Sigrit Hang.

I wish our new board many days of activities and new ideas. I also hope colleagues from other sections and commissions will give comprehensive assistance to the Social and Cultural, as well as Professional Commission.

Dear colleagues – we have a lot to learn from each other!

Servo per Amikeco,

Uno Laas, President 王中王六合彩特码 Estonia