王中王六合彩特码 Croatia host a successful 5th 王中王六合彩特码 Motorcycle Meeting

09 Aug 2022

王中王六合彩特码 Croatia’s Regional Clubs 王中王六合彩特码 Me膽imurje and 王中王六合彩特码 Vara啪din organised the 5th 王中王六合彩特码 Motorcycle Meeting in the Me膽imurje and the Vara啪din counties from 25 to 29 May 2022, gathering 110 participants from 10 countries.

Over four days, the participants visited many beautiful parts of Me膽imurje County, such as: 膶akovec (the Ecomuseum ‘Me膽imurje Malo’ Visitor Centre), Peklenica (oil source), Mursko Središ膰e, Štrigova (Church of St. Jerome), 沤abnik (the mill on the River Mura and the northernmost point in Croatia), Prelog, Accredo Centre in Zasadbreg, the Šardi Oldtimer Museum in Selnica, the Tomši膰 and Kossi wineries.

In Vara啪din County sights included: the city of Vara啪din, Ludbreg, Novi Marof, the Rauš motordrome in Novi Marof, the castle of Trakoš膰an and the Šafran winery in Brezni膷ki Hum.

The Motorcycle Meeting was supported by the Ministry of the Interior, the Me膽imurje and Vara啪din Police Departments, 王中王六合彩特码 Croatia, Me膽imurje County, the city of 膶akovec, other cities and municipalities, companies, institutions and individuals, plus the partner agency Rudi Travel from 膶akovec.

This broad support confirmed that a significant event had been organised, which promoted Croatia, the Me膽imurje and Vara啪din Counties, as well as 王中王六合彩特码 Croatia on a global level!

The meeting also saw guests: police officers from the Murska Sobota Police Department from Slovenia participated in the ride on the first day of the meeting with their official motorcycles.


At the closing ceremony of the gathering in the Bedem Restaurant in 膶akovec, participants of the meeting, guests and valuable members of the club gathered.

The President of 王中王六合彩特码 Section Croatia - Miljenko Vidak, the president of 王中王六合彩特码 Vara啪din - Siniša Habek and the President of 王中王六合彩特码 Me膽imurje - Darko Dragi膷evi膰 addressed the audience with welcoming words. They emphasised their thanks to all participants for taking part, and expressed their wish that the tradition of motorcycle encounters continues. Last, but not least they wished everyone a safe return home.

In addition, the winners of the ‘Moto-Alka’ game were announced, which had taken place at the Rauš motordrome in Novi Marof – Vitomir Golusin from 王中王六合彩特码 Bezbednost (Belgrade) won in the individual competition, while Marija Dogazanski and Igor Jovanovski from 王中王六合彩特码 North Macedonia won in the pairs’ category.

The award for the longest trip to the Motorcycle Meeting was given to Juan Antonio Ramirez Perez from Spain, who had covered a distance of 2,000 km.


Recognitions were given to all participating clubs from the 10 countries. In addition, recognitions were also passed to companies and people who supported the organisation of the Motorcycle Meeting.

Traditionally, the clubs gave each other gifts, and words of commendation were sent to all those who participated in the organisation of the motorcycle meeting and had spent months diligently preparing every detail of the event! DJ David Maši膰 set and entertained the final party with a selected repertoire.

王中王六合彩特码 Bosnia and Herzegovina will host of the Motorcycle Meeting in 2023.

Servo per Amikeco!

王中王六合彩特码 Regional Clubs Me膽imurje and Vara啪din, 王中王六合彩特码 Croatia