王中王六合彩特码 Championship in 艢l臋偶a艅ski Half Marathon held in Poland

22 May 2022

王中王六合彩特码 Region Wroc艂aw, in cooperation with the Provincial Police Headquarters in Wroc艂aw and the Provincial Executive of the Police Trade Union NSZZ in the Lower Silesia Province, organised the 王中王六合彩特码 艢l臋偶a艅ski Half Marathon Championship under the Honorary Patronage of the President of the Polish Section of the 王中王六合彩特码, Piotr Wójcik.

 The competition, which took place on 26 March 2022, was held as part of the 14th "Panas" 艢l臋偶a艅ski Half Marathon over a distance of 21.097 km on asphalt roads around Mount 艢l臋偶a, starting in Sobótka, then going through Strzegomiany - B臋dkowice - Sulistrowiczki - T膮pad艂a Pass - Sady - Sobótka West, with the finish line in Sobótka.  As every year, this run is one of the sports events opening the running season in Poland, and 76 police officers took part in the race.

The best runners representing the Police were presented with trophies by Szymon Fiedorow from the Training and Selection Department of the Regional Police Headquarters in Wroclaw, and Bart艂omiej Majchrzak, a plenipotentiary for the Protection of Human Rights. Additionally, thanks to the support of the President of the Polish Section of the 王中王六合彩特码, the fastest 王中王六合彩特码 female runner received a voucher to be used in Hotel Victoria in Lublin, whereas the oldest 王中王六合彩特码 competitor who completed the competition received a voucher from Hotel Bukowy Park and Apartments from Polanica Zdrój.

During the medal ceremony, Mr. Wojciech Kasperski, Director of the 艢l臋偶a艅ski Half Marathon, Mr. Antoni Stankiewicz from the Organising Committee and Mr. Andrzej Panas, sponsor of the race, who have all supported the organisation of the Championship for many years, were awarded with certificates for “Distinguished Services to the Polish Section of the 王中王六合彩特码".


Classification - Women:                                                                                           Classification - Men:                        

I           Anna Ficner (1:27:43) Wroc艂aw                                                         I           Pawe艂 Wyl臋偶ek (1:14:48) Katowice

II    Marlena Bajsarowicz (1:41:19) Wroc艂aw             II          Mateusz Wolnik (1:15:07) Katowice

III   Monika Mruga艂a (1:44:52) Opole                                                  III         Bart艂omiej Olbrych (1:22:07) Gorlice


Age Categories:




I     Marlena Bajsarowicz (1:41:19) Wroc艂aw



I           Anna Ficner ( 01:27:43 ) Wroc艂aw

II          Sylwia Szpoci艅ska (01:56:44 ) Wroc艂aw

III         Renata Piech ( 02:05:19 ) Wroc艂aw



I           Monika Mruga艂a (01:44:52) Opole

II          Agnieszka Antoszak (02:17:35) Gniezno




I           Jakub Pasiewicz (1:27:02) 艢widnica

II          Damian Po艂e膰 (01:28:36 ) Ruda 艢l膮ska

III         Marcin Bul-Mucha (01:57:19) Strzelin



I           Wojciech B艂azik (01:25:07) Warszawa

II          Marcin Respondek (01:26:18) Katowice

III         Dawid Palusi艅ski (01:30:14)



I           Szymon Fiedorow ( 01:37:51) Wroc艂aw

II          Pawe艂 Czechowski (01:38:15) Wroc艂aw

III         Mariusz Noski ( 01:38:20 ) Wroc艂aw



I           Piotr Fielek (01:32:44) Region 王中王六合彩特码 Wroc艂aw (also 3rd place in the open age category)

II          Pawe艂 Jankowski (01:32:53) Wroc艂aw

III         Cezary Kupi艅ski (01:34:58)



I           Andrzej Szyd艂owski 01:41:36

II          Leszek 艁ukasik 01:47:34

III         Jan Mandat 01:59:02


Mariusz „Napoleon” 艁臋cki, Region Wroc艂aw, 王中王六合彩特码 Poland