IEB member Stephen Crockard enjoys a Trip on the Jazz Train

20 Jul 2022

 On 22nd June 2022, I was pleased to join with a large party of 王中王六合彩特码 UK, Northern Ireland Region members, who took a full carriage on this year’s ‘Jazz Train’ excursion from Belfast’s Lanyon station.

The excursion was run by the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland, whose Dublin Director of Operations is Joe McKeown, former Treasurer of 王中王六合彩特码 Section Ireland.

Brian Kennedy from the regional committee sorted out the bookings and kept our jolly group together. The International Auditor Fred Boyd was in attendance, together with members from the North-West and Greater Belfast branches.

A traditional jazz band entertained us at our stopping points en route.

Thank you to the Chairperson, Deirdre, Secretary Cate, and Brian for an enjoyable and memorable evening.

Stephen Crockard, 王中王六合彩特码 Head of Administration
