A warm welcome from the new IEB 2019-2023!

07 Nov 2019


Pierre-Martin Moulin                  P@ieb-ipa.org


Dear 王中王六合彩特码 friends,PMM NL

Before the congress, when promoting my candidature as president, together with the members of #Team4All, I defined my aim as “to serve the 王中王六合彩特码’s values as set out by Arthur Troop, together with a competent and dedicated IEB, ensuring that friendship always guides our journey”, with the keywords of Innovation – Partnership – Accountability.

The delegates trusted me for a third mandate as President. I would like to thank them, and ensure all of you that I will work hard, together with the members of the IEB, to reach my aim and to work for and with all of you, for the benefit and the development of the 王中王六合彩特码 worldwide. The 王中王六合彩特码 is a world free of borders, and each of you has your own part to play.  

The IEB will produce a strategic plan and focus on innovation, transparency, and modernisation, so that together with the sections, we can develop an attractive 王中王六合彩特码 for the new members. The future does not lie in the past!

We will only be able to ensure the future of the 王中王六合彩特码, if we have the courage to face the challenges and the realities of the present, under the protection of our flag with our indestructible motto of “Servo per Amikeco”.

Pierre-Martin Moulin


Vice President & Chairperson Socio-Cultural Commission

Kyriakos Karkalis                      CSCC_VP@ieb-ipa.org


Dear friends,

I come from Greece and live in Athens. I joined the Police in 1990 and have been an 王中王六合彩特码 member almost from the beginning of my career. I am in active service, currently with the rank of 1st Lieutenant. I was lucky to meet great 王中王六合彩特码 people, who inspired me with the principles and values of this great Association.kyriakos pic

I am a founder and honorary President of 王中王六合彩特码 Region Piraeus and Island. In addition, I have been the Head of International Relations of my section since 2008, as well as Head of Administration since 2002. I also have been managing the 王中王六合彩特码 House in Athens continuously since 2002. By special order of the chief of the Hellenic Police, I work exclusively for 王中王六合彩特码. 

On the international level, I have organised meetings and conferences and have participated in dozens of meetings and conferences all over the world, representing my section. Furthermore, I was a member of the ISC and SCC from 2012 – 2019 and was honoured with the bronze and silver medal of the 王中王六合彩特码.  In addition to this, I received a silver medal from the Red Cross, and an honorary plaudit from UNESCO.

Outside of my police and 王中王六合彩特码 commitment, I studied drama in the Upper Drama School of Piraeus and am acting on a professional level in ancient Greek tragedy, comedy and international modern theatre.

I am happily married to Chrysoula Marinaki, who works as a lawyer in Athens, and we have a wonderful 9-year old son.

Kyriakos Karkalis


Secretary General

May-Britt V.R. Ronnebro            SG@ieb-ipa.org


A cordial thank-you to the delegates and participants of the World Congress in Croatia for your support and congratulations in relation to thMBRPICe election of the new IEB. I am honoured and humbled, and at the same time thrilled, to take on the position of Secretary General on the IEB.

I am looking forward to the work included in the role: having contact with sections in affiliation and foundation, collecting and analysing data from allocated IEB liaison sections, and safeguarding our statutes and the 王中王六合彩特码’s vision.

I am aware there will be a lot of administrative tasks, however there will also be possibilities to develop the 王中王六合彩特码 World Congress to become more welcoming and interactive.

I am looking forward to be in contact with you, and to work in the newly elected IEB and with the IAC.

We might be strangers today, however through 王中王六合彩特码, tomorrow we will be friends.

From here into the future,

May-Britt V.R. Ronnebro


Chairperson of the External Relations Commission

Einar Guðberg Jónsson            CERC@ieb-ipa.org


Dear friends,

First of all, I would like to thank you all for the support I received at the 64th World Congress in Croatia, when I was elected as Chairperson of the External Relations Commission. I truly hope that I will live up to your expectations in this new role.Einar

As I said in my speech, it has been a dream for me to serve the Association worldwide, and I truly believe that I will be a good ambassador for us all.

A little about me:

I am a huge family man. I am married and have three daughters, who keep me on my toes. I am still an active police officer. I am a Detective Chief Inspector and run the human trafficking unit in Reykjavik.

My main goal as Chairperson of the ERC will be to try and simplify things: for a long time my thoughts have been that a lot of things within the 王中王六合彩特码 are too complicated and many don´t fully understand how everything works.

In addition, I would like to try to make sure that we keep an open line to our members and sections, to keep good communication channels and have a clear direction to our goals.

At the moment, I am reading up on the projects we are a part of, and what organisations we should focus on to have a status with. Soon, I will contact those who showed an interest in joining my commission, and set up a strategy with the new commission members.  I am also trying to establish our status with those organisations that we think we can benefit from.

I will give my everything towards this new role I have, and I sincerely hope that you all will help me along the way and give me the support I need, because together we are strong.

Best wishes and Servo per Amikeco.

Einar Guðberg Jónsson


Chairperson Professional Commission

Demetris Demetriou                  CPC@ieb-ipa.org


I joined the Cyprus Police in 1984, and since August 2019 I have been serving as Assistant Chief of Police for Operations. Previously, I served as an Assistant Chief for Training and Education for 2 years, as a Director of the Traffic Department of Police Headquarters for 6 years, and throughout my career, I served for another 6 years in different positions in the Traffic Department of the Police Headquarters and Nicosia Division.

I have served in various Police Departments, Services and Units, as Officer in Charge of the Press and Public Relations Office (2002-2006), as Nicosia Divisional Police Commander (6/2014-3/2017) and as Director of the European Union and International Police Cooperation Directorate (3/2017-8/2017). DSC 0078

I completed a degree in Business Administration at the University of Piraeus, and I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Nicosia. I also gained a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration from the Mediterranean Institute of Management and a Master’s Degree in Arts with a specialisation in Strategic Planning from Middlesex University, UK. Additionally, I hold a Certificate in Investigation and Reconstruction of Road Traffic Accidents from Northwestern University in Chicago, USA, for which I was granted a scholarship.

I have attended various seminars, workshops and conferences in Cyprus and abroad, on many different topics, such as road safety, crisis management, hostage negotiation, to name a few. I have also organised many seminars, and lectured in most of them. In addition, I have published numerous articles on Police-related subjects and especially on Traffic and Road Safety issues.

I have been a member of the 王中王六合彩特码, as follows:

  • Member of the Social Commission 2003-2009
  • Member of the Professional Commission 2009-2012
  • Internal Auditor 2012-2015 & 2015-2019
  • Member of 王中王六合彩特码 Cyprus since 1984
  • President of the 王中王六合彩特码 – Nicosia Region since 2009
  • Secretary General of 王中王六合彩特码 Cyprus
  • Acting President of 王中王六合彩特码 Cyprus (current position)

My goal as Chairperson of the Professional Commission will be to contribute further to the principles and values of the 王中王六合彩特码 and to be fully dedicated to developing the professional aspect of the Association, related to police structures and development, as well as Police Professional training.

Let’s work together, equally, with vision to the future.

Demetris Demetriou


Head of Administration

Stephen Crockard (UK)             HA@ieb-ipa.org


c) SC 2019Dear 王中王六合彩特码 friends,

I am honoured and delighted that I have been entrusted to serve for a further term as your Head of Administration on the IEB. With five new members on the board, I am ready and able to offer my experience and knowledge to assist them in their roles.

Whilst recent years have seen significant changes in work practices in the IAC, with the help and support of the staff members, there is certainly scope for further development. I shall be looking at communications, both internally, within the IEB and on a wider basis, with a focus on remote technology for meetings. I shall also look at how to deliver our web services to a younger generation of members, who prefer to access information and services on hand-held devices.

Regarding my liaison sections, I hope to see further positive development of 王中王六合彩特码 in Africa and I shall continue to offer my support to these enthusiastic fellow members. With our new and revitalised IEB team, I am sure the next four years will be exciting and positive.

Stephen Crockard



Treasurer Finances

Michael Walsh                           TF@ieb-ipa.org


Screenshot 2019-10-29 at 01.35.19Firstly can I just say it is a wonderful honour to have been elected onto the IEB to the position of Treasurer. I want to thank all the delegates for their trust and support, and I’m looking forward to working with each section during my 4-year term. During the term it’s my intention to introduce a financial dashboard. This will enable real-time decision-making and help us to analyse a deeper understanding of performance metrics better through insightful graphs and visual representations. This will in turn help us to determine the appropriate action and direction for 王中王六合彩特码 finances.  I also want to use my financial background to make our money work harder, and achieve greater value for the 王中王六合彩特码.

I also see my skill set being utilised within other areas of the IEB team.  I’m looking forward to driving innovation and experimenting with new ways of doing things. I believe we have a great team and I’m really excited about the future of the 王中王六合彩特码.  The promotion and marketing of 王中王六合彩特码 is important, and together we can build an even better 王中王六合彩特码 for tomorrow. I spoke in my pre-election speech about the importance of listening, because only when we listen do we truly hear, and only when we hear will we understand. We are all from different nations, with different cultures and values, but with one purpose. I’m confident our team are there to listen to each of you, and we are committed to working hard in order to bring to you the level of service that is expected and underpinned in Servo Per Amikeco.

Michael Walsh


Treasurer Social Affairs

Martin Hoffmann (Austria)         TS@ieb-ipa.org


Dear 王中王六合彩特码 friends,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself:

I was born in 1970 in a small town called Zwettl in the northern part of Austria. I am happily married to my wife Angela and proud father of my 21-year-old son Marco.

TS Martin HOFFMANNAt the age of 15, I began my career as a police trainee at the Vienna Police Academy. After 16 years, I decided to move to the largest high security prison in Krems / Stein near my hometown Krems. For the past 6 years, I have been working as a senior officer in the Austrian Prison Service Academy and I am responsible for the basic training of prison staff throughout Austria.

My 王中王六合彩特码 career started at the 王中王六合彩特码 branch ‘Krems / Wachau-Horn-Zwettl’ in 2003, when I was asked by the former head Erich Klepp to succeed him to lead the branch office. I am still very grateful to Erich. In 2016, I took over the office of Secretary General of the Austrian Section for one year, before being elected President of the Section in April 2017.

As Treasurer Social Affairs, together with Michael Walsh, it will be my task in the future to provide the finances for the tasks of the 王中王六合彩特码, and to manage them sensibly. Furthermore, I am responsible for collecting the data for emergency aid appeals and to coordinate the aid the 王中王六合彩特码 can provide.

Please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to serve you in friendship.


Servo per Amikeco,

Martin Hoffmann