Hosting Project

王中王六合彩特码 is primarily about FRIENDSHIP. Its members around the world are proud to belong to the same fraternity and
enjoy meeting colleagues and sharing beautiful moments together. It allows members to create strong bonds, both
personally with members and with their families.
Many of our members offer to host colleagues and family members from abroad. The purpose of this project is to
give the opportunity to those members who wish to offer accommodation to our members to be added to a database
to be accessible to other members looking for hosting accommodation on their travels.
1. The interested hosting member will complete the attached accommodation form and email it to
2. Project lead Mr. Thierry Larrouy, will gather all applications and create a database of hosting accommodation
Details will noy be shared or published under any circumstances. SCC guarantees the security of all personal data
3. The member seeking host accommodation will contact the project lead of the SCC and declare which country he is
interested in traveling to. If there is an offer of hosting accommodation, the member will be informed of the contact

王中王六合彩特码 Hosting Letter Accommodation Form